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How to revive the EU-Russia Energy Dialogue — and to turn challenge into opportunity

21 September 2016, 1 - 4 PM CET

TUSIAD Avenue des Gaulois 13, Brussels 1040

What has gone wrong with the EU-Russia energy dialogue? Several years ago this seemed to be, if not flourishing, working relatively well. Energy experts from both sides worked together under a common process in order to develop joint scenarios for future European gas supply-demand outlooks, deal with Ukraine transit and harmonise views on large-scale gas infrastructure projects. A robust energy dialogue between the Russian Federation and the EU seemed quintessential in order to ensure that their voluminous energy trade remained in good health. Yet, as recent comments from senior officials reveal, an effective dialogue at an appropriate level between Moscow and Brussels is nowhere to be seen at the present time.

A better understanding of the role of natural gas in the future EU energy mix is necessary, reconciling the relationship between gas and renewables, and thus being in a better position to plan necessary investment in fulfilling European gas supply requirements. Further, while critics in Europe tend to talk down the Nord Stream expansion in an effort to reduce the Continent's dependence on Russian gas, an energy dialogue would likely allow for debate on what we may refer to as the Europeanisation of Russian gas. That is, bringing price competitive Russian gas to the EU border and allowing it to be redistributed unhindered inside the EU energy market — by European shippers and on the basis of Third Energy Package rules. This is not purely to make an argument for Nord Stream expansion. Rather, we are simply demonstrating trends that are already taking place in the European gas markets and further alluding to the commercial incentives that a revived EU-Russia energy dialogue could bring.

Thank you for joining us for this BREC meeting on September 21 when Dr Tatiana Mitrova led a discussion on all of the above-mentioned much more substantially. We "debated it out" with BREC members and guests as to whether life should continue as it is between Russia and Europe, or whether the common energy challenges that we now face together will compel Moscow and Brussels to kick-start the energy dialogue — and to turn challenge into opportunity!


  • Welcoming remarks by Dr Bahadir Kaleagasi, Chairman, Brussels Energy Club,

  • Setting out the debate by Dr Marat Terterov, Executive Director, Brussels Energy Club,

  • Presentation by Dr Tatiana Mitrova

  • Roundtable discussion with members and guests of the Brussels Energy Club (NB: the Chatham House Rule will apply).

  • Networking opportunities with the speaker and Club members will follow the interactive discussions


Scientific Supervisor, Energy Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow; Research Scholar, Center on Global Energy Policy, Columbia University, New York



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