Wim Groenendijk
Wim Groenendijk was the Managing Director of the Gate LNG Terminal in the port of Rotterdam, the Netherlands. Previously he served as Director of the International Business Department in Gasunie and head of the International and Regulatory Affairs Department of Gasunie. While with Gasunie, Mr. Groenendijk acted as Head of Representation for Gasunie in the Russian Federation. Since January 2019, Mr. Groenendijk has been serving as Co-Chair of the EU-Russia Gas Advisory Council, Workstream “Internal Markets” on behalf of the European Commission. From 2011 to 2019 Mr Groenendijk was active as Vice-President and member of the Board of Gas Infrastructure Europe (GIE) and the President of Gas LNG Europe (GLE). From 2010 to 2012 he served as a Founding Member of the Management Board of ENTSOG, the European Network for Transmission System Operators for Gas, a body established through the European Union's Third Energy Package with certain legal tasks, including the development of Network Codes and a Ten-Year Network Development Plan. From 2003 until 2011 he was a member of the Wadden Advisory Council, a formal Netherlands Government advisory body on the environmentally sensitive Wadden Sea area.
A distinguished speaker, Mr. Groenendijk regularly spoke at international conferences across Europe, Asia, and the US, about energy topics, in particular about market developments in gas and LNG and related infrastructure. His interests included the development of a Northwest European multi-modal LNG Hub in pursuit of the opportunities it presents in the context of decarbonization and energy transition. His areas of expertise included European and regulatory affairs, strategy, planning, negotiation, commercial matters, LNG market.
Mr. Groenendijk has been a member of the BREC's Advisory Board from 2020 to 2023 and passed away in 2023.